Workshop 1 (Canceled)
Medical Waste and How to Conduct a Waste Audit
Participation Fee:
- 0 Euros (student)
- 0 Euros (academic)
- 100 Euros (professional)
About the Workshop
This workshop is designed for participants who wish to gain a thorough understanding of problems and issues associated with healthcare or medical waste (MW). The workshop will focus on MW generated during the COVID-19 pandemic, and will discuss its impact on the waste management industry worldwide. The pandemic has highlighted the need for all countries to implement safe management of MW generated from major natural disasters, predicted to increase in the wake of global climate change, and how to minimize negative impacts on human and ecological health.
The workshop will review COVID-19 waste problems, and explain the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) for safe management of MW. Free online resource available for training personnel to serve as MW technicians, and how to conduct a successful audit of MW generated at a healthcare facility is included in the workshop.
The half-day workshop will be conducted by the internationally-acclaimed expert, Dr. Syed E. Hasan, Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri, USA, whose second college textbook Introduction to Waste Management (Wiley).
Syed E. Hasan, PhD; RG; FGS
Chair, Environmental Characterization and Remediation Technical Working Group, AEG
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
Syed E. Hasan received his Ph.D. (1978) from Purdue University in Engineering and Environmental Geology and joined UMKC in 1979. His expertise includes waste management, medical geology (geohealth), and geotechnics. He had introduced four new courses in waste management and designed and administered the Graduate certificate in waste management program. He retired after 35 years of teaching and research in the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Missouri-Kansas City, where he also served as Director of the Center for Applied Environmental Research from 1998 to 2014. Dr. Hasan has supervised 20 graduate students for their master’s and doctoral research projects in environmental geology. He has published about 50 papers in refereed journals and has authored a college textbook titled Geology and Hazardous Waste Management (Prentice-Hall, 1996) that received the Claire P. Holdredge Award from the Association of Engineering Geologists (October, 1998) as an “outstanding contribution to Engineering Geology profession”. In June 2002, he received the Educator’s Environmental Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7 as the 1999-2000 Outstanding Environmental Educator in the State of Missouri. In April 2005, the Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University honored him with its Outstanding Alumnus Award. Dr. Hasan is currently working on his second college textbook titled Introduction to Waste Management that will be published by Wiley in 2021.
Dr. Hasan is an elected fellow of the Geological Society of America (GSA) and a senior member of the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG). He is a registered professional geologist in Missouri, and is listed in several major bibliographic publications, such as American Men and Women of Sciences; Who’s Who in Science and Engineering; Men of Achievement; and Top 100 Scientists, International Bibliographical Centre, Cambridge, U.K. He is active in several professional organizations: served as chair, Environmental & Engineering Geology Division (2008-09), and the Geology & Health Division (2010-11) of GSA; and is serving as an Associate Editor for GeoHealth since 2007, and a Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Environmental and Engineering Geoscience–a joint publication of GSA and AEG.
Dr. Hasan has been a two-time recipient of the Senior Fulbright Scholar Award from the U.S. Department of State, and taught courses in waste management and environmental science at Qatar University (spring 2016), and the University of Jordan (spring 2020). Besides writing scientific articles he mentors scholars from developing countries and advises them in application of geoinformatics in geotechnical site selection; and offers editorial tips to prepare papers for publication.
He lives in the Kansas City metro area.
Course 1 (in-person and online)
Impact, Branding as a researcher, and using a pre-print server to enhance the impact of your research
28 November 2022
8:30—10:30 Morocco Local Time (= UTC+1)
Participation Fee:
- 0 Euros (student)
- 50 Euros (academic)
- 100 Euros (professional)
- All researchers but especially early career researchers
- Research officers
- Librarians
About the Course
Develop and efficient tool-kit of skills as a researcher including collaboration, research group management, personal research development, ideas management, effective presentation and networking skills. Select options as you move along your career path to maximise success and achieve your potential.
As a result of this course learners will understand how to:
- Effectively collaborated and maximise the potential of research projects;
- Develop networking skills that work;
- Manage research groups and teams of colleagues;
- Collaboratively write research papers and grant proposals, and;
- Present research effectively and maximise impact
Course Content:
- What is collaboration and why is it important for you?
- Choosing effective research projects and understanding your role
- When to collaborate? How to pick your collaborators. What are the benefits?
- Developing ideas for funding applications
- Instigating the research process – from idea to grant proposal to implementation
- Networking skills: Remote and in person
- Writing effective emails and communication
- Team management
- Efficient collaborative writing
- Who does what? How to manage research collaborations
- What to expect from conferences: How to make events work for you
- Effective research presentation skills
Gareth Dyke
Director of Global Content
Research Square Company
Editor-in-Chief of Historical Biology
Dr. Gareth Dyke is Director of Global Content at Research Square Company. Gareth is a prolific scientific author who has published more than 300 articles in peer-reviewed journals over the last 20 years, including in Nature, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy (USA) and other high-profile outlets. His research has been widely covered in the media and he is often invited to present talks and lead workshops around the world, most recently in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, Colombia, Spain, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. Workshops in China run by Gareth in 2019 were attended by more than 5,000 colleagues. He has written numerous news and other popular articles including in Scientific American, New Scientist, and Nature and is a regular contributor to The Conversation (scientific news website). He also manages the Taylor & Francis journal Historical Biology as Editor-in-Chief. Gareth has mentored students at all levels (Masters, PhD, Adult Education) and has developed a large range of in-class teaching techniques. He has worked in the USA, Ireland, and the UK, including for more than 20 years as a full-time University academic (University College Dublin, National Oceanography Centre University of Southampton). Gareth is uniquely positioned to teach and advise with authority on all aspects of the scientific publishing process, grant writing, and personal development as he is an experienced researcher, reviewer, editor, and journal manager with a strong background in technical and popular writing. He is accredited as a course leader and teacher by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) in the UK as well as by the Irish HEA.
More information about Gareth’s research can be found on Research Gate and Google Scholar.
Course supported by:
Course 2 (in-person and online)
OPENCoast + – Platform for on-demand circulation and water quality in coastal regions
28 November 2022
14:00—16:00 Morocco Local Time (= UTC+1)
About the Course
This course aims at presenting and demonstrating the on-demand coastal forecast platform OPENCoastS for hydrodynamic and water quality predictions. The attendees will get to know what is on-demand forecasting and the rationale and modelling options behind the OPENCoastS platform. They will be guided through the several types of forecasts available in dedicated modules and follow live demos of two types of forecast building in OPENCoastS and do hands-on experiments to setup coastal forecasts of their system (or a demo system provided by the instructors). At the end, a Q&A session will provide the opportunity for attendees to interact with the instructors.
Course Objectives and Expected Outcomes:
- participants will become aware of the type of forecast system and the associated products they can create using OPENCoastS
- participants will learn how to use the OPENCoastS platform through live demo of several options
- participants will do hands-on experiments to use OPENcoastS for their system of interest (or for some system provided by the instructors)
Course Brief Outline:
- Introduction to OPENCoastS (10 min)
- 2D wave and current forecasts: rationale, model and OPENCoastS setup (20 min)
- 3D baroclinic and water quality: : rationale, model and OPENCoastS setup (20 min)
- Demo on how to setup two distinct forecasts in OPENCOastS + hands-on (25-30 min)
- Conclusions and Q&A (10 min)
Pre-requisites for Participation:
None. Prior experience with coastal models may be helpful.
Course Material:
Slides will be shared at the service web page ( prior to the event
Pre-requisites for course participation:
Laptop (for those that want to do hands-on experiments)
Participants must register at prior to the event (in case of difficulties, please send email to
Other eventual needs from the instructor:
Access to internet during the training
Anabela Oliveira
LNEC – National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Hydraulics and Environment Department, Information Technology in Water and Environment Research Group
André B. Fortunato
LNEC – National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Hydraulics and Environment Department, Estuaries and Coastal Zones division
Dr. Oliveira has a Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering from OHSU (USA). She has 20 years of experience conducting research in coastal engineering. For the last 10 years she has been the Head of the Information Technology in Water and Environment Division of LNEC, merging coastal science and IT research. She has participated in several research projects (H2020, ANI, FCT, Interreg) that provided IT products and services to companies (e.g. SIEMENS, EDIA, Águas do Algarve, SIMTEJO), and she is a leader and team member of consultancy and research projects that provided services to major coastal public administration entities (APA, DGRM, several port authorities). Presently, she is the scientific coordinator of the OPENCoastS service and related HPC projects (H2020 EOSC-hub, H2020 EGI-ACE, FCT-INCD). She published over 100 SCIE-indexed papers.
Dr. Fortunato has a Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering from OHSU (USA) and an Habilitation in Maritime Hydraulics from LNEC. He is the former Head of LNEC’s Estuaries and Coastal Zones Division and has over 30 years of experience in research and consultancy in coastal engineering. His research interests span several coastal processes, including hydrodynamics and morphodynamics. He has a long experience in numerical modeling from development and application perspectives. He has published about 100 journal papers, primarily in environmental sciences, geosciences and oceanography, and participated in over 120 projects.